Tuesday, 12 January 2016


(Memberikan Istruksi dan Menanyakan Informasi)
*   Take off your jackets, please!
(Bukalah jaket Anda!)
*   Close the door!
(Tutuplah pintunya!)
*   Clean the board!
(Bersihkan papan tulis!)
*   Write the date on the board, please!
(Tuliskan tanggal di papan tulis!)
*   Take out your books!
(Keluarkan buku Anda!)
*   Open your book!
(Bukalah buku Anda!)
*   Close your book!
(Tutuplah buku Anda!)
*   Share your book with him / her, please!
(Berbagilah buku Anda dengan dia!)
*   Please repeat after me! / Could you repeat that, please? / First listen, and then repeat! / Say it with me!
(Ulangi setelah saya!)
*   Can you speak louder!
(Bisakah Anda berbicara lebih nyaring!)

*   Give me an example, please!
(Berikan saya satu contoh!)
*   Give me more examples, please!
(Berikan saya contoh-contoh yang lain!)
*   Put your textbooks in your schoolbags!
(Masukan buku Anda ke dalam tas Anda!)
*   Read the direction, first!
(Bacalah petunjuknya terlebih dahulu!)
*   Read the question!
(Bacalah pertanyaannya!)
*   Read the text! Then, answer the questions!
(Bacalah teks tersebut kemudian jawablah pertanyaan!)
*   Do the exercise one at the top of page three!
(Kerjakan latihan 1 di bagian atas halaman tiga!)
*   Do the exercise individually / work on your own!
(Kerjakan latihan secara mandiri!)
*   Do the exercise in pairs / work in pairs!
(Kerjakan latihan secara berpasangan!)
*   Do the exercise in groups / work in groups!
(Kerjakan latihan secara berkelompok!)
*   Do the exercise in group of three / work in group of three!
(Kerjakan latihan secara berkelompok yang terdiri dari 3 orang!)

*   Do the exercise in a piece of paper!
(Kerjakan latihan itu dalam sehelai kertas!)
*   Have  you done your homework!
(Apakah Anda telah mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah!)
*   Collect and Submit it, please!
(Silakan kumpulkan dan serahkan!)
*   Stand up, please!
*   Raise your hand! Put your hands up! Hands up!
(Angkat tangan Anda!)
*   Put your hands down! Hands down!
(Turunkan tangan Anda!)
*   Come forward, please! / Come to the front, please!
(Maju ke depan!)
*   Sit down, please! / Go back to your seat!
(Silakan duduk!)
*   Can you write it on the board!
(Bisakah Anda menuliskannya di papan tulis!)
*   Who has finished? / Finished? / Done?
(Siapa saya sudah selesai?)
*   Come here, please!
*   Listen to me!
(Dengarkan saya!)
*   Tell me your answer!
(Katakan jawaban Anda!)
*   Write the answer!
(Tuliskan jawabannya!)
*   Show me your work!
(Tunjukkan pada saya pekerjaan Anda!)
*   Watch the video!
(Tontonlah video itu!)
*   Correct your partner’s work!
(Betulkan pekerjaan rekan Anda!)
*   Can you all see?
(Apakah kalian semua dapat melihatnya?)
*   Can you all listen?
(Apakah kalian semua dapat mendengarnya?)
*   Is that right?
(Apakah itu benar?)
*   Hurry up!
*   Do you understand / Do you get it?
(Apakah Anda mengerti?)
*   Any question?
(Apakah ada pertanyaan?)
*   Pardon me! / Repeat please!
(Tolong ulangi!)
*   What does . . . mean!

(Apa arti dari . . . !)

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