Tuesday, 5 January 2016

How to Build Great Relationship between Parents and Children

These are what we must have for building great relationship between parents and children:

1.            Good Communication
Communication is the most important thing to manage. Parents should communicate well with their children. Parents should share the vision and mission of the family. In the other hand, children should also be opened to their parents about their dreams, problems and everything related to them. The good communication between parents and children will create harmony and avoid clash in the family.

2.            Good Time Management
Father and mother can also be a friend of their children, but the chance to be their friend, is sometimes less because both children and parents have their own busy life. Parents are busy with their work while the kids are busy with the affairs and their friends. In fact, a lot of parents are concerned on jobs, so they neglect their children. Things like this should be avoided, because lack of communication is the most important factor causing disharmony between children and parents. So, take the time to gather together; share stories and experiences; share feelings; and others, it is important to be done. We must realize, children definitely need parental discourse, therefore communication between parents and children is very important to do. Don’t always be busy of working! Parents should allocate enough time to gather together with their children.

3.            Mutual Understanding
Sometimes, children have different ideas with parents. But. This should not be potential clash in the family. It can be the resources, brilliant ideas that can lead to the great ideas. Both parents and children should understand each other and find win-win solution. Not only will it resolve the problem but also create harmony in life.

4.            Mutual Respect
The key to achieve good communication is respect. Every single actor who communicate should respect each other. Therefore, it will build the understanding among them. It is impossible to create good communication without understanding.

This does not include all the tips. You may add your own.

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