Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
All praises due to Alloh, who has created us as a
social being, so we can feel the relation in each of us and know the feeling of
love, anger, joy and sorrow. Peace and blessing be upon to our greatest
messenger, the most noble prophet
Muhammad SAW, who has taught us many things in this full feeling life so
we can feel all the affection that the world has.
I’m standing here to share something I knew and I would
like you to know. It is about “Brotherhood in Islamic View”
Dear my lovely friends,
As muslim, our faith is not complete and our worship is
not sufficient until we have built the strong bonds of brotherhood among
Many muslim forget about this important thing to make
our religion strong. Most muslim only focus and concern on the ritualistic
worship aspect of Islam. Like we always do qiyamullail all night, go to the
masjid in the morning for dhuha prayer, and we even recite the holy Qur’an for
hundred of pages but we let our friends asleep beside us. Is it right?
However, my dearest friends, Islam also did teach us
important aspect of our faith, which is the manner of how to deal with others.
One important pillar of our dealing with others is the concept of brotherhood
in Islam. And the concept is already emphasized in the qur’an and sunnah.
“Believers are indeed brothers” ( Al Hujurat:10) and “ you will not be a
believer until you love for your brother what you love for yourself” (narrated
by Bukhari).
So what’s important about this?
Alloh is counting it as a great blessing for those who
keep good relationship between each muslim. Alloh has already informed us that
this unity and brotherhood is what saved us from falling to the hell fire.
And we have already known that a lot of story in the
time when Rasulullah was on his fight for Islam. Brotherhood was really strong.
That’s why Islam were never cracked and could spread fast.
Some examples we can see from the hijrah to Madinah,
it’s the proof of strong brotherhood between the muhajirin and anshar.
We also know from shahabat who were attacked by their
family because they choose Islam, but eventhough it hurt so much, they keep
strong, because Rasulullah selected each of them to other muslim in Islamic
brotherhood so they take care each other like family.
Even we can
see by our own eyes and feel with our own heart because it brings us joy in our
life as well. It will give us wonderful feeling of this sweetness of the faith,
a feeling of pleasure of satisfaction.
So my dear
Let’s implement this concept of brotherhood in
our life. It is part of our religion, and it’s part of our history. It is our
identity that defines us as muslim and as followers of prophet Muhammad SAW.
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