Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Alhamdulillah, All praise is due to Alloh, the Lord of
the Worlds. The Beneficent, The Merciful. Master of the Day of judgment. Thee
do we serve and thee do we beseech for help. Shalawat and salam may be upon to
our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has led and guided us from the dark into
bright path. And it’s also a great honor for me to stand right here to deliver
my speech about “The Importance, Benefits and Power of Du’a.”
Ladies and gentlemen,
What is du’a? What is its importance? And what are its
benefits? Why do we tend to use du’a as our hope? Why are we so alienated from
the power?
Dear my friends,
How many blessings has Alloh provided us with? It is a
blessing that at this moment your heart is beating rhythmically, that air is,
by Alloh’s command, entering your lungs and that your eyes are blinking as you
read. What would happen if just one of Alloh’s blessing was stripped away from
you? and how now have you thanked Alloh, the Highest, for all your blessings?
“And He gave you all that you asked from Him, and if
you count the Blessings of Alloh, never will you be able to count them. (And
yet) be hold, man is indeed most persistent in wrongdoing, stubbornly ingrate!
“(Surah Ibrahim: 34).
Brothers and sisters,
Du’a is a powerful means of asking from Alloh and as
the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Du’a is worship” (Tirmidzi). Du’a is such a
beautiful thing in the sense that we make du’a for our own good and for the
good of the Muslim community and yet not only do we have our du’a answered, by
the Will of Alloh, but we are also rewarded for worshipping Him. SubhanAlloh.
My dear friends,
Don’t you like to be loved by your family? Your
friends? How will it then be if you gained the love of Alloh, your creator and
sustainer? The Prophet SAW said : “Nothing is dearer to Alloh than one’s
supplication/du’a to Him”. “Du’a is a weapon of a believer, a pillar of
religion, and a light of the heavens and the earth”. Using du’a, they can
achieve great things and overcome many problems. By making du’a to Alloh, we
become aware of our weakness and His greatness. The more we ask from Alloh, the
closer we get to Him and the more sincere our actions become. Our trust in
Alloh increases and we realize that He is the only one capable of answering our
needs and wants.
Dear my friends, There are some benefits of Du’a:
Pleases the Almighty.
Alloh loves that believers should pray to Him
Gives peace and contentment
A person who prays to Alloh, put all faith and trust in
Him, never feels alone or lonely. “Those who believe and whose heart are set at
rest by the remembrance of Alloh, surely by Alloh’s remembrance are hearts set
at rest”
Increases knowledge and humility
Most du’as teach us about the greatness of Alloh. They
also make us aware of our lowly position and our helplessness. This will
prevent us from becoming proud and arrogant
Changes what is destined
Du’a reverts what has been destined. Although Alloh
decrees all things, he has given us the ability to make changes through Du’a.
Averts difficulties
Many problems and difficulties in life can be avoided
by praying to Alloh. He is in complete control, and can keep away all
afflictions from those who ask Him for that.
Dear my friends,
Whoever ask something from Alloh, his du’a is always
heard and answered. Sometimes it is not answered in the way the supplicant
expects. No du’a is rejected. A believer who prays and asks from Alloh, is
guaranteed one of three things:
Either his du’a is answered immediately
Or he is given a reward for it for the hereafter
Or a difficulty is averted from him.
Remember that He is the one who created you and it is
Him to whom you will ultimately return. That’s all from me.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
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