Monday, 4 January 2016

The Students' Role in Preserving The National Culture of Indonesia (An English Speech)

We begin in the name of Allah, the most merciful, the kindest.

The respectful judges, committees, and all fellow participants of the English Speech Competition.

My name is Qashmir Ramadhan and I am speaking as the delegate of MA Husnul Khotimah.

Before coming to my speech, I would like to thank, if I may, all of the audiences here, especially the committees, for giving me the opportunity to speak. In this grateful occasion, I would like to talk briefly about, “The Students’ Role In Preserving The National Culture.”

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to talk about the significance of preserving the national culture. To begin with, our father of education, Ki Hajar Dewantara, in a simple word, proposed that the national cultures of Indonesia are the characteristics of the nation itself. Therefore, preserving national cultures means preserving ‘the existence’ of the nation since the characteristics of a nation make the nation broadly acknowledged.

Then, this issue has become far more pressing and significant as there are over 30 national cultures of Indonesia that have been claimed by other countries. On the other hand, modernity has been assumed as the best culture across the globe.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Overcoming this problem, by all means, is the responsibility of all elements of the society in this country. So, let’s talk about what we, as students, could possibly do regarding this issue.

Let me begin by saying, for me, there is a solution which in many circumstances, has been barely discussed. It is a concept that we know as ‘adaptation’.

Well, many have said, and I’m trying to agree, that in order to preserve our culture, we have to learn more about the culture itself, and then practically participate in it. But what I’m saying now is more than that. People often think that cultures are something old, something out of date. Because of that mindset, then what we also should do is adaptation. We make the cultures adapt the condition.

Examples of this concept have actually emerged recently. Today, we see batik in football shirts, promoting batik by holding Banyuwangi Batik Fastival, batik fashion show in Festival “Jogja Kota Batik Dunia”, promoting modern design of batik in Indonesia Fashion Week and many more.

The thing is, to make it possible, we need those who understand both the cultures and the condition of today’s world at the same time. And I believe, those are the young generation, and obviously, including the students.

Indeed, it is important to make our culture remain unchanged, yet I believe, it is still more important to preserve the positive values of our culture. As the world around us changes, the core of positive values of our culture remain there.

So, brothers and sisters,

Nothing will be changed until someone changes something! As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!”

So, learn more about our culture, love our culture, preserve the positive values of our culture, and be proud of our culture! Let the world know Indonesia as a place where culture breeds innovation.

Indonesia has more than 150 million young-productive students from total 250 million citizens. If Soekarno said that he could ‘shake’ the world with 10 youth who have truthful love to their nation, so what on earth we cannot do with 150 million of those? Don’t wait for Indonesia, because Indonesia has been waiting for you!

Thank you very much.

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